Climate Platform Value Add

Global state of climate emergency

Given the state of global climate emergency, all participants to climate action need today, more than ever quicker access to climate finance. Whether international institutions, national and sub-national entities, or the private sector, everyone needs qualified support to plan, set and implement effective climate policies. 

How we create value

The Climate Platform is a private sector force set to support efforts across the board for limiting global warming below 1.5°C, improving the resilience of communities and infrastructure worldwide affected with the impacts of climate change. We achieve this goal through 4 business lines:

– The Climate Finance Advisory : We provide advisory services to international organisations in the design, structuring and package development for climate finance resource access.

– The Climate Policy Advisory: We advise the public and the private sector in the planning and the making of policies nd processes that result in a low carbon economic growth and/or improved adaptive capacity.

– The Climate Technical Advisory: We provide services along the implementation of climate projects, their impact reporting as well as independent verification services. As a climate independent verifier, the Climate Platform is trusted by climate investors and project owners as a climate finance expert with deep understanding of climate result management frameworks.

– Capacity Building: We understand that each organization has unique needs and objectives. Our capacity-building programs are meticulously tailored to address specific challenges, ensuring relevance and maximum impact. 

Climate Platform

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