Climate Finance Advisory

Catalyzing Change Through Meaningful Climate Finance Services 


Climate change disproportionately impacts those already exposed to economic risks; therefore, meaningful climate action is a way of recognizing human dignity.  Engaging in meaningful climate action does not involve gluing oneself to the highway in protest against emissions or living in a tent to oppose every form of industrialization. Instead, it entails supporting and implementing measures that can safeguard communities and infrastructure vulnerable to climate change impacts or achieve visible outcomes.    

At The Climate Platform, we offer expert guidance, empowering clients to navigate the intricate landscape of climate finance. Our approach is dedicated to strategic decision-making, aligning with global climate goals and fostering positive change.

Sectors Of focus

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Expert services for the development of tomorrow's energy systems, aligning with the global commitment to tripling renewable energy and doubling annual energy efficiency by 2030

Water Security

Expert services in support to the design and financing of climate-resilient water systems, improved water security and sustainable water management practices.

Agriculture and Food Security

Expert services to address climate vulnerabilities in the food sector, facilitating the development of projects that establish climate-resilient and sustainable food systems.  

Early warning, health and disaster risk reduction

Climate finance expert services in support to disaster risk reduction through timely dissemination of climate information, including climate induced issues in health systems.

Climate Platform

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